Design Inspired Leadership


In education design might happen unintentionally but it happens.  Design Inspired Leadership offers a shift.  The world is rapidly changing, our learners have changed and everything in the world of education must change as well.  We offer services, tools and strategies to support YOUR transformational change.  

Photo by jacoblund/iStock / Getty Images

Design Thinking Workshop

Learn how to apply the Design Thinking process & mindsets in a workshop setting.

Photo by jacoblund/iStock / Getty Images

Leadership Coaching

Personalized support to sustain your momentum as a Design Inspired Leader.  

Photo by LDProd/iStock / Getty Images

Design Thinking Online 

Sign up to enroll in our online cohort to learn how to use Design Thinking in schools.

“Everything in modern society is the result of a collection of decisions made by someone. Why shouldn’t that someone be you?”
— Tom Kelley, Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All